The Wingrove Workshop
News & Comments

February 2019

With the basic hull form made, plated and siting in-the-water,  the next task is to work from one end of the deck to the other, creating and adding the major items of deck furniture, then the smaller ones in-between, followed by the finer detailing to complete. In this way the total perspective can be maintained  of the-ship in it’s natural setting on-the-sea, so helping to maintain the illusion of looking at the real ship from a distance rather than a model at close quarters. It is this illusion that I am aiming at, at all times with my work, and not to add detail, just for the sake of it. Hence the hull sitting on the wet-base, and Jock the Riveter from my centre section model of the Falls of Clyde, appearing here from time to time, to check the scale.

I have included two photos of the Falls of Clyde deck layout as she looked before her last rebuild back in the 1960s, the main changes made to her back in the very early 1900s, when Matson took her over, is a slightly raised section of the main deck to accommodate her now in-built oil tanks,  and left as a slightly raised steel plating.  A series of capped square openings down each side of this, for access to the side tanks, a chart house on the Poop, and a large house forward of the main mast, possibly for the accommodation of passengers that she did carry between San Francisco and Honolulu, in that period while under the Matson flag.  Note also the large round opening in the roof  of the midship house, most probably to accommodate a boiler for the donkey engine that is currently located there, again not original to 1878.

The Current Project of this Falls of Clyde model, is likely to run here for several years, so to keep your interest I will from time to time, include here a shot of a detailed item further down the line.  I did in fact start this model of her at the beginning of 2017 and working for some hours on it almost every day, I am still adding to the deck fittings and fixtures. Of course this does include the considerable amount of tool making as well, to solve the problems presented in getting such fine detail in place, all of which will be covered as we proceed.

This month I show some detailing of the Fore Top.  The mast and top mast were of iron plate, three sheets riveted together in a staggered fashion for the length of the masts, with strengthening angle irons to the inside. The plating here fabricated in 0.010” brass sheet formed in a special jig and assembled around a hard wood core. The lower yards were also of sheet iron construction, and like the masts, fabricated here from sheet brass.  The copper chain was brought in and not of my manufacture, assembled here to see how well it fitted, and the blocks to take it.  It is used for the sheets.



If you wish to help save the old lady monetarily or otherwise, drop a line to < > they will be pleased to hear from you - Remember she was 140 years old on the 12th of December - too good to lose at this late hour, she must be saved and brought back to her birth place in Glasgow and not sunk as a divers wreck off Honolulu.


An After Sales Service to my book readers

Should you have found inspiration, ideas, or just picked up new techniques from my books, plans, and/or web site Galleries, and have photos of your work built as a result, and would like to give me the honor of showing them to others here, please drop me a line, and I will let you know how to proceed.


NOTE - Very poor photo copies of some of my books (among a number of others) have been sold on eBay as originals, and eBay, up to this point in time, are protecting the criminals, even though they have ample evidence of my copyright infringement. Should any one have had dealings with- Nicholas Thomas alias - phantomoftheauction09 - and/or  Michael Thomas alias plaininspain9 - or anyone else passing off fake copies of my books, I would be most pleased to hear from them.  eBay UK have now removed both of the above individuals, from their web site, but will not, as yet, provide me with the details I need to put them permanently out of business.  Until they do my advice is DO NOT SHOP FOR BOOKS ON eBAY-UK - Go to AMAZON and get satisfaction.


I am often asked about the availability of plans.  The following web sites have been brought to my attention, and I am pleased to pass them on here. Some of my own plans are available in my books.  For details, click on the ‘Books’ button on the ‘Home Page’



<,_Forecastle_Deck,_Main_Deck,_Main_Deck_Structural,_Tween_Deck,_Tween_Deck_Structural_-_Ship_BALCLUTHA,_2905_Hyde_Street_Pier,_HAER_CAL,38-SANFRA,200-_(sheet_4_of_69).png#filehistory >