Magazine & Newspaper Articles (& Book Reviews)

(R) indicates book review. - ? indicates that a copy is on file with year date but no indication of month.

on the work of Gerald A. & Phyllis Wingrove between 1968 and 2008


Australian Sports Car  - Jan.-81


Sports Car World - May - 79`R`

   Dec. 84


Auto Revu  - Aug.79  - March 82

  July 86


Tehnika ja Tootmine - ?.1980


AutoLeht March 2000


Auto Passion - Dec.91

L’Automobile Magazine - Oct.86

Minis Auto - Jan.79 - Jan.83.

Retroviseur- Sept.99

The Ghost Club- Sept-98. May.2000


Automobile Chronic - Sept.78

  Aug.79 (R) - April 82

Modell Magazin - Oct.82

Modelauto  Feb.2000


Autovisie - July.79 - June 80 (R)

  Dec.81 - July 82  - July 83 - Nov.84  

  Oct.86 - Oct.88 - Jan.90 - July 91


Autovisie Jaarboeke - 1988

Bugatti C.N. Journaal - Oct.92

Model Auto Feb.2000


Auto India -July’96

The Hindu - August 25’96

The Times of  India April 18 ‘98

Saturday Times April-98

Overdrive Feb.2000


Auto Sprint - Nov.70 - Nov.71

  Oct.73 - July.78  - July 79 - Feb.80

Rombo - Dec.82

Modell in Europe - Dec 74

Quattroruotine - Spring 70 - Aug. 94 


Routeclassiche - April 96


Car Graphics - 1977 - 78 - 79 - 80

  1982 - 83

Super C.G. - Sum.91 - Win.91

Aug.92 - Win.92(R)

Model Art - Jan.81?.99

Supercar Classics - Sum.92

Model Cars 6-98

Model Vehicle  Sum.2000


Bil - Nov.84 - Aug.86

Tnore Cmaalenenes Uvis - Oct.84


Car - Sept.79 - May 82 - March.85 April 87 - March 92

Cars in Action - March 2000


Antic Car Club de Catalunya -  Nov.05


Classic Motor - Feb.87

Signalhornet -  Oct.84 - Oct 86


Auto Exclusiv  - Jan.87 - Nov.90


Automobile Year Book  - 1978/79


Amersham Times - May 78 - Aug.79

Antique Automobile - Sept.79

Autocar - Dec.1997

Auto Italia Feb.2000

Auto Modeller - May 79(R)

Barclays (Bank)News - Autm.90

Bentley Driver Club Review - Feb.81

British Car - Feb.92

Bugantics - Spring 85

Business Echo - Nov.91

C.A.D+Design - Oct.91

Car Classics - June 75 - Dec.75

  Nov.78 - Dec.99

Car Week - Nov.93

Classic Cars - Oct.93(R)

Classic and Sports Cars - Dec.84  

  Feb.88(R) - April 88 - July 90

  Aug.90 - March 92 -Jan. 96

  March 96 - Dec.99 - Feb, 2004 R

Citroën Magazine - Wint.92

Collectors Car - Sept.79(R)

Custom Car - Aug.78 - Nov.79

Engineering in Miniature - Nov.79 

  April 8 - June 81 - June 82 - Sept.82

Expatriate Today - Aug 91

First Voice - J/July 93

Ghost Club Magazine Sept.98

In scale - Jan.92

Lincolnshire Echo - Oct.11&12 ‘91

  Jan.2000 - Oct,20 - 2003

Lincs. Chamber of Commerce

  Dec. 96

Lincoln Chronicle  July 31.98

Linconshire Life - Sept  97

Mayfair - vol.7.No.6 - Vol.13.No.9

Model Auto Review - A/Sept.93(R)

Feb. 2004 R

Model Cars - Sept.69 - Aug.71


Model Collector - Nov.91(R)

Model Engineer - Jan.78 - May.78  

  Sept.79(R) -Nov.79 - Dec.79

  Sept.86 - Feb.87 - Oct.91(R)

  Aug.13 2000

Modellers World - April 71 - Dec.71     

  Nov.72 - July 79

Motoring Life - April 92

Motoring News - Aug.91

Motor Mail International - ? 79

Motor Sport - July 78(R) - April 92(R)

Observer Colour Magazine.?.1979(R)

Octane Dec 2003

Old Motor - June 79 - Nov.79

P.E.M.Magazine - March 80

Popular Classics; - Nov.91(R )

Practical Classics - Jan.92(R) 

Rolls Royce Journal - No.13. 79 

“Quest”  Sum. 2000

Safety First - Jan.92(R)

Saturday Titbits - Oct.72

Scale Models - March 70 - May 73  

Nov.74 - Oct.76

May 81 - May 82 - Aug. 82 Sept.83

She Monthly - April 80

Sleaford Standard - April 82

Sleaford Advertiser Jan  23.98

Talk Back (Ford) Magazine

  Spring 88

Telegraph Sunday Mag.. - ?.79

The Dailly Telegraph - Aug. 31 ’96

The Automobile  - March 86


The Independent - Aug.91

The Mail on Sunday - Dec.91(R)

The Times July 29.2000

Top Gear Feb.2000

Thoroughbred & Classic Cars-June75

Your Classic - Nov.91(R)

Wycombe Observer - Aug.73

  June.78 - April 81

Vauxhall Craftsmans Guild - No.3.    


Vauxhall Motorist - Jan.68

Veteran Car - M/June 78(R)


( police notice.-J/Feb.79(R)

Veteran & Vintage Magazine

   May 71 - July 78(R)


A.C.D. Newsletter - ? 75 - ? 83

? 86 - ? 88 - no3  & no4

1997-No.9 99.  May. 2000

Antique Automobile - S/Oct 79

Automobile - April 94

Automobile Quarterly - Vol.14- No2.76

  Vol.27- No4.89

A.Q.Quatrofoil - Jan.90(R)

Bulb Horn - Sept.77

Car Collector &Car Classics - Nov.79

  Aug.82 - Dec.84-  March 92-Feb.99


Car Modeller - July 92(R)

Classic C.C. of America - May 92

Classic Car Weekly Nov,12 - 2003

Connoisseur - Feb.91

Daily Pilot - Sept.73

Fine Scale Modeler - Jan.93

  Sept.2000 - March 2003

Forbes - June 91( mention)

Lux Lookout - Fall 79(R)

Model Builder - July 76

Model Car Science - July 72

Modellers World - July 78 - July 79

Model Mechanics - March 79


Model Ships and Boats - M/April.78


Pur Sang (Bugatti Owners Club) -  

  Sum.88  - Sum.89 - Sum.90

Road and Track - Nov.78 - Nov.79(R)     

  Jan.83 - April 88 - June 92

  Feb.2000 - March. 2001

Rob Report June 2001

Scale Auto Enthusiast - M/June 79(R) 

   S/Oct.79 - Jan.2000- April 2000

Old Car Illustrated - Nov.79

  March 92

Old Car Weekly - Feb.80 N/Dec.79

  J/Feb.80 - S/Oct.83 - Aug.91

  Dec.91(R) - June 92(R)  Oct.93(R)

Sports Car  International - Jun. 92

The Palladium Item - Oct.73

The Register - Oct.73


In November 1967 I left, after 17 years on the factory floor, a major engineering company in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England,  and started working for myself as a freelance Model Engineer, building film props, prototypes for Dinky & Corgi Toys, together with prototypes for a Birmingham fashion jeweller, before taking on a commission from Lord Montagu for two collections of model cars for the then Montagu Motor Museum (MMM).  I had previous to this, built several ship models, and while building the first of the car models I also researched and finally built the 25 square foot model of Bucklers Hard, showing the village, ships and ship yard as it was in June 1803.  This was also for Lord Montagu for his newly built Bucklers Hard Maritime Museum, on the Beaulieu River.  This was followed by my first book, ‘The Techniques of Ship Modelling’ with an introduction by Lord Montagu.

The two model car collections were:

One, to show the evolution of the sports car and:

Two, the World Championship GP car each year.

One of the points that I insisted on with regard to building the two model car collections, was that I should visit each car and collect the necessary data myself and draft my own scale plans for each individual model.  This proved to be a good foundation for what followed, because it was not long before I was being asked to build a second model for the owners of the individual subjects, together with that for the MMM.  The models for the MMM were to be built to the scale of 1/20 and to be without under body chassis detail, and with no engines, or opening doors or hoods.  However it was not long before the collectors started to ask for this detail also, which I did not think very practical on so small a scale.  So for the more detailed models I chose 1.15th scale, for no better reason than that it was between 1.20 and 1/10th scale, the latter, in my opinion, being to large for an artistic representation of a classic car, these being the subjects that seemed to be in demand.  It turned out that 1/15th was not a regular scale to work in, 1/8 and 1/16th being more usual.  However many years down the line, I came across several original drawings for the Bugatti Type 41 chassis, and was most pleased to find them drafted in 1.15th scale.

From the start I chose as the aim of my work to try and capture the character of the subject rather than try to reproduce every minute detail of the entire car. No model car in anything less that a quarter scale can hope to show every detail to scale, if only because of the limitations of the materials.  My philosophy is, that if you have to use licence, use it to show the character of the subject, rather than attempt to show irrelevant detail that will interfere with the the total subject.  The eye expects to see certain things when it recognises an object.  With something as large as a classic car, scaled down small enough to be held in one hand, unnecessary detail will distract the eye from the whole and more often than not kill the overall view of the subject, so that the essential character of the classic masterpieces will be lost.  This of course is a very personal view, but if when one views the photos on my work in the ‘Car Collection’ and one could be mistaken for thinking that you were viewing a full size car, then I will have archived my aim.  I add detail, which in most cases can be up to 95% of it, for the sole aim of making an artistic representation, in the round, of the subject I am dealing with.

Another point that I made right from the start was to photograph each stage of the building of every model and particularly the finished model set in a natural background.  As I had found no book at that time on the subject of scratch building model cars, and the ship modelling book had been a great success, my feelings were that there might be an opening for a book on the building of the cars as well.  I later wrote and illustrated three, together with one on the lathe and milling machine work.

As a consequence of an abundance of photographs of my work, very interesting subjects, and an increasing interest in my work from collectors and model makers in general, I started to write articles on each of the subjects and illustrate them with the photographs of the models. These proved so popular that I then started to get visits from leading journalists, both in the modelling field and in the field of full size classic cars, as well as Local and National Newspapers,  such that on retirement, it appears that, on average,  an article was published on this work every three month for over thirty years through 16 countries. 

Magazine articles are from one to 24 pages (Automobile Quarterly - Vol.27-No4.1989 by Griffith Borgeson) and Newspaper Articles from a quarter page to more than a full page including photographs

The list on the left is of articles that I have copies of, and probably represents about 80% of those published. I still hear from people finding articles on my work that I have not seen before, some from sister magazines and also other people republishing old articles.  Following  are a few sample pages.     Gerald A. Wingrove  2009

The very first article to appear in print on my work, the subject

being the Saunders Roe Princess flying boat from the 1950s. 

Several were built, but with the introduction of the jet engine into

                civil aviation they were all eventually scrapped. Photo

                below is of the model featured in the article.

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Thoroughbred and Classic Cars - June 1975 one of a two page article.

Mayfair Magazine Vol. - No.6  ( 1970?) one of a five page article.

Aero Modeller May 1954 a short piece with photos.